Favorite Home Remodelling Trends for 2006

Just like shoes and cars, home remodeling experiences trends and fashions and 2006 was a big one for cocooning. If a man’s home is his castle, then a family’s home is their sanctuary. The abundance of home makeover reality shows on TV has set off a remodeling bug and more people than ever are joining the ranks of DIY interior designers. What have been the big trends for 2006?
The spa lifestyle is one that appeals to men and women and bathrooms have turned into fully-equipped day spas, complete with two-person Jacuzzis, throne-like toilets, double basins and extravagant décor. Lighting has evolved to be ambient instead of merely functional, floors feature natural materials and the most popular accessories are candles and oils. Bathroom remodeling is a significant investment but it turns a utility room into a haven.
There is also a great move towards sustainability and environmentally friendly materials. Recycled timbers can be transformed into highly attractive floors and details and plantation products such as bamboo and cork are not only produced with sustainability in mind but they are also practical and versatile.
Home theaters were huge in 2006. It seems everyone wants to be entertained at home. From sound-insulated walls to installing the latest in high-tech gadgetry, home remodeling brings the blockbusters to you. What used to be open plan living has set aside a whole room to be sealed off from the rest of the house. Bring on the popcorn!
And just when you thought you could throw away your pots and pans, everyone’s now cooking at home more too. Again, TV shows bombarding us with the delights of home cuisine are bringing about a return to the gourmet kitchen. Big stoves, walk-in refrigerators, stainless steel counter tops and in-kitchen mealtimes mean home remodeling in a big way.
It’s anyone’s guess what the home remodeling trends will be for 2007 but the main clues are climate change, celebrity copycatting and a new home-and-hearth mentality.
Visit Home Remodeling and Improvement Raleigh NC for help remodeling your home: http://www.jwfine.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=James_Wills

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